As a private, non-profit organization, the BELGIAN AMERICAN Chamber of the South (BACoS), is an energetic bi-lateral Chamber that actively supports, promotes, and enhances business between Belgium and the Southeast of the United States. The Chamber serves the States of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Mississippi.
The BELGIAN AMERICAN Chamber of the South enjoys the patronage of the Belgian Consul General Michel Gerebtzoff, and the full support of FIT (Flanders Investment & Trade) and AWEX (Agence wallonne à l’Exportation et aux Investissements étrangers).

Our core mission is to improve business and investment opportunities for the US-Belgian business community.
For prospective Belgian companies who want to invest in the southeast the chamber provides complementary information packages and proper introductions to the appropriate US local or regional instances for additional investment information.
For US companies who desire to invest in Belgium the chamber will orient them to the proper national or regional instances.